Advanced Training at: Praktijk Lijnbaangracht, Amsterdam, Nederland.
September 22-23, 2018.
The theme: DIAGONALS
Dear colleagues,
I am glad to invite you to Feldenkrais Advanced training with the theme: DIAGONALS.
Working with people in FI & ATM I find it so important to speak/pay attention to the somehow neglected direction of the diagonal.
In this advanced we will explore in FI & ATM why diagonals are so important to our self-image and movement.
Interestingly there are the diagonals that show us also the 3D of our bodies.
When: 22-23 September 2018.
Sat. 10:00-17:30 (1.5 hrs lunch),
Sun. 10:00-16:00 (1 hrs lunch),
total of 11 hours learning.
Cost: Euro 220
Kindly note that the morning ATMs are open to all, family friends and students for Euro 25.
Hope you can participate,
Great summer,
Eytan Mandel
Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer
Member of the I.F.G, FGNA & Feldenkrais Network Int. e.V